Having a thin body or underweight nutritional status does not mean being healthy. There are several factors that cause thin body, including heredity, nutritional deficiencies, to certain medical conditions that you must be aware of.
It is important for you to know the factors that cause thin body. Because the body is too thin can damage your health and affect the body's weak immune system, bone weakness or osteoporosis, anemia, lack of energy, to fertility disorders. How to determine whether thin body is included in the category of unhealthy underweight, can be seen from the calculation of body mass index (BMI) or BMI.
Some health risks can haunt your life. Like when the immune system is weakened, then your body will be vulnerable to infections and some diseases such as flu and cough. You are also prone to lack of vitamins and minerals which are important elements in health and growth. When you lack calcium, it will have a negative impact on your bone health, such as osteoporosis which can cause bones to become more brittle and break easily. Women with thin bodies are also more at risk of experiencing menstrual disorders to fertility, which causes difficulty getting pregnant. People with thin bodies also have health risks such as hair loss, weak muscle mass, an increased risk of complications after surgery, and the risk of experiencing iron deficiency which will cause anemia. Adverse effects on the body's growth and development processes can also occur in children and adolescents due to thin body.
Causes of Thin Bodies You Need to Know
There are various causes of thin body, including:Genetic or Hereditary
If from birth to adulthood have a thin body posture, or if your parents and family have a thin posture, chances are you have a hereditary body factor. Some people are born with a higher metabolism than usual, which then causes a person to have a thin body. From a medical perspective, there is nothing to worry about.
Physical Activity Tends to Be High
Physical activities such as excessive exercise or heavy work can also affect body weight. This is caused by the number of calories burned during physical activity.
Specific Medical Conditions
Overactive thyroid, digestive disorders, diabetes, and cancer can result in weight loss and thin body. Extreme diets can also be a cause of lean body due to lack of nutrition for the body.
Specific Medicines
Some medicines prescribed by doctors can also cause nausea and weight loss. Chemotherapy also tends to reduce appetite and worsen weight loss due to illness.
Psychological Problems
Mental health can also be a factor in thin body. Stress, depression, eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, and emotional problems can affect your habits to your appetite, which in turn results in weight loss.
Healthy Tips to Increase Weight
The best way to overcome thin body is to find out the cause first. If you feel too thin and do not know the cause, you are advised to consult a doctor and do some necessary checks. Doctors will usually recommend a weight gain program. Nevertheless, it does not mean you have to go crazy with food portions and snacks in the form of junk food. Even though junk food can increase body weight, but the excess fat, sugar, and salt in junk food can actually be bad for health. To gain a fuller body weight, you can take steps to a healthy diet such as adding an element of healthy calories to your diet. Some of the intake that you can add like:- Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, beans, and cheese. This type of food can be a source of healthy calories that you consume.
- Intake of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Do not forget to choose foods that are nutritious, such as meat, fish, or eggs that have high protein and high-carbohydrate brown rice. Choose healthy sources of fat such as food cooked with canola oil or sunflower seeds.
- Snack. Choosing healthy snacks that contain protein and healthy carbohydrates can also help you gain weight.
- Sports. It is recommended to choose sports that build strength and muscle mass such as yoga. This exercise can build muscles and help you gain weight.
- Sufficient fluid needs. At least you should drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. Avoid drinking before meals that can cause satiety.
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