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Signs of Ovulation Successfully Fertilized as Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

Signs of ovulation successfully fertilized in every woman can be very diverse. In fact, there are no symptoms at all. When the fertilization process is successful it can be interpreted as early signs of pregnancy as in the following review. Pregnancy is closely related to ovulation as a window of opportunity for the conception process for those of you who crave the presence of a baby. Ovulation is the process of releasing a mature egg from the ovary to the fallopian tube (the channel between the ovary and uterus) that is ready to be fertilized.

Ovulation Signs or Fertility You Need to Know

The signs of ovulation up to the time of each woman vary greatly. It is important for you to know the time and signs of ovulation to get a better chance of getting pregnant. Here are some physical signs that are usually experienced by women who are during ovulation, including:
  • Mild cramps or pain on one side of the pelvis.
  • Pain in the breast.
  • The stomach feels uncomfortable or bloated.
  • Increased sexual desire.
  • Increasing vaginal discharge.
  • Changes in the position of the cervix.
  • Basal body temperature, immediately after ovulation, most women experience a slight increase in body temperature.
  • Vaginal fluid or mucus that is wet and smooth.

Signs of Ovulation Successfully Fertilized and the Emergence of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Ovulation generally occurs about two weeks before the first day of the next menstruation begins. Fertilization or conception itself can occur a day after having sex or a few days later, the article of sperm can survive for one week in a woman's body. Ten to 14 days after that, a fertilized egg will be implanted in the uterine wall and can cause mild bleeding. At this time can be interpreted as a sign of an egg successfully fertilized and is one of the early signs of pregnancy. This bleeding is different from menstrual bleeding which tends to be overwhelming and occurs within a few days. Bleeding from self-fertilized eggs lasts for a short time and will disappear within a few hours or up to two days. The symptoms that accompany this bleeding phase include:
  • Pink blood spots or brown spots.
  • Mild stomach cramps.
  • Mood that is easy to change.
  • Headache.
When the fertilization process is successful and bleeding occurs, there will be early signs of pregnancy. These symptoms can be mild to severe symptoms. However, a study shows, one in two women experience signs of pregnancy at 5 weeks gestation, seven out of ten women experience signs of pregnancy at 6 weeks gestation, and as many as 9 out of 10 women experience signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks gestation. Early pregnancy symptoms include:
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Fatigue.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Breasts that are swollen and feel softer.
Sign of ovulation successfully fertilized is the occurrence of early symptoms of pregnancy. If you experience the symptoms above, you are advised to do a pregnancy test either with a pregnancy test (test pack) or check with your obstetrician. To do the test it is recommended to wait at least until you are late for menstruation. The reason, it takes a high pregnancy hormone to get a positive pregnancy test results.


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